The Gas Industry

Career Guidance:


The Gas industry is one of South Africa’s most stable industries, with abundant opportunities for entry. The Southern African Qualifications and Certification Committee for Gas (SAQCC Gas) is mandated by the Department of Employment and Labour to register everyone who is qualified to practice in the various gas industries in South Africa. 

Working in the different gas disciplines may require different qualifications. Mathematics and Science are vital subjects for students looking to become Gas Practitioners. Post high school, individuals who would like to become qualified Gas Practitioners have to meet specific criteria – applicable to that gas type - or have an appropriate technical qualification, such as Mechanical Engineering.   

To meet the competency requirements for certain of the gas industries an individual would need to study an appropriate technical qualification – such as Mechanical Engineering – and receive training and experience in the design, installation, maintenance and repair of gas systems. This can be achieved by working under the mentorship of a suitably registered gas practitioner operating within that industry.

In other gas industries, although there may not be strictly specific requirements for entry, a blend of technical qualification, practical training and, in some instances experience, would be advantageous. The candidate would then need to be registered as a Gas Practitioner through SAQCC Gas in the specific gas type for which they have been trained and mentored. 

SAQCC Gas is comprised of the four Associations that spearhead the different scopes/types of gas. Through these Associations, the candidate can be trained and qualified for registration within those scopes.  

Southern African Compressed Gases Association (SACGA)

SACGA handles the safety and technical disciplines for the production, distribution, and use of medical and industrial compressed gases. If you would like to practice as a Medical Gases Practitioner, visit 

The SACGA is currently working with the Chemical Industries SETA to develop a formal Gas Trade qualification. Within the Gas Trade, students will be able to study for Part qualifications and progressively build up to a full trade qualification. The qualification will cover the theoretical and practical requirements though the individual would still need to develop the necessary experience to become registered with the SAQCC Gas as a Gas Practitioner.

“The Gas Trade is a number of years from completion, however, we have started to develop Part Qualifications for Oxygen and Medical Gas Systems which could be implemented sooner.” Barry Little, SACGA 

Southern African Gas Association (SAGA) 

SAGA covers Natural Gas, CNG, LNG, Biogas, NGV gas Industrial Thermoprocessing. Also handling all Natural Gas equipment verification in the Southern African region. If you would like to be a Gas Practice in any of these fields, visit  

South African Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association (SARACCA) 

SARACCA facilitates the registration of Gas Practitioners in the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning industries. To become a Gas Practitioner in any of these fields, visit  

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of South Africa (LPGSASA) 

The LPGSASA trains potential practitioners in the LPGas industry such that they are capable of undertaking installations which fully comply with the relevant national safety standards, to ensure ongoing industry and consumer safety. LPGas practitioners, once registered through the SAQCC Gas, can practice in the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors of the LPGas industry – depending on the scope of their licens.. If you would like to practice as an LPGas Gas Practitioner, visit  

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This edition

Issue 58
