World Wonderer

Amazon Source to Sea

World Wonderer
The estimated 6500 km journey has been broken into three stages. An initial hike to the summit of Mount Mismi (the source), followed by an estimated 800km cycle through the Peruvian Andean Mountains, finalized by an estimated 5700km paddle to where the Amazon meets the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil. The entire journey is directed at a cause relative to the adventure - promoting Individual Empowerment on tackling the many issues faced by the natural world and working in collaboration with the Adventurers & Scientists For Conservation Organisation in collecting visual and research data on the environment traversed through.

Davey du Plessis faced the Mismi mountain range with no guide, no maps and only GPS way points to provide the general direction of reaching the summit. The 4 day, 60km hike, Davey faced below -10 degree temperatures at night, arrid terrain, pure isolation and total self reliance.

The day of summiting, Davey had to navigate his way through 1 foot deep and wide sheaths of glaciers covering the summit peak and due to the self navigation, Davey followed what was thought to be a route to the summit, but was actually a route caused by wind movements through the glaciers, this error resulted in a frustrating false summit of Mount Mismi. With a clear goal of reaching the summit Davey re summited the official Mount Mismi, upon which the official Amazon source to sea navigation commences.

The successful summit of Mount Mismi and return to the village of Tuti results in the completion of the first stage of the adventure. Davey is now set up and geared for the second stage of the adventure, the cycle through the Peruvian Andean mountains.  

Public research states, thus far, that Davey du Plessis is the youngest and second, to Mike Horn, individual to attempt such an adventure solo.

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This edition

Issue 58
