Search results for environment

Ending sexual harassment in the workplace What is sexual harassment and what are your rights in the workplace?
A recent survey by market research agency Columinate on sexual harassment in the South African workplace reveals that some 30% of women and 18% men experience sexual
09 Dec 2019
Changing your view on learning and growth Ucademy is an accredited learning institution, offering five qualifications and targeted skills programmes within the Business Process Management (BPM) field
Courses ranging from NQF2 to NQF5 are available, this means that anyone is able to further their education, from the school-leaver to the chief executive officer. In fact, with
06 Nov 2018
Hellocomputer Issues Challenge To Competitors 100 New Programmers By Mid-2019
Hellocomputer Johannesburg Managing Director, Joey Khuvutlu, has issued a challenge to leaders of South Africa’s digital agencies: he wants them to join him in an initiative
18 Oct 2018
MASTER MANAGEMENT SKILLS WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR DESK MasterStart partners with USB-ED to upskill Africa’s leaders online
Rapid change and industry disruption have become the norm in today’s workplace. As a result, more and more executives, business leaders and managers are looking to augment
28 Mar 2018
Can business bridge the gap for universities? With all the talk around ‘fees must fall’ it is essential that universities maximise their earning potential through the creation of business development initiatives to help students afford tertiary education in the future
The University of Venda (Univen) became the first historically black university in South Africa to establish a commercial wing to tackle its financial challenges last year. Over
22 Feb 2018
THE FUTURE OF JOBS Focusing on the future of global careers
Focusing on the future of global careers, ‘Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ was the topic of this year’s World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting
06 Oct 2016
YOUTH Collaboration of global talent marks World Youth Skills Day in South Africa
Over the course of the last week, four international student teams representing South Africa, Australia, India and the United States of America have worked together to design and
28 Jul 2016
EMERCE COMMERCE Next generation ecommerce starts with the customer
ecommerce, environment, technology, business, customers, sustainable success
01 Jul 2016
TRAINING Making it up as you go along
Applied or non-theatrical improvisation for training in the South African business environment can provide employees with a creative space for self-growth Many of us are familiar
30 Jun 2016 - M. M.
Reduce, reuse, recycle An easier way to keep the country tidy
It is gratifying to know that there is an increasing shift in consumers to make a much greener choice when buying.
02 Oct 2012


This edition

Issue 58
